Experience & selection of works...
Visual Design position:
Int. Visual Merchandising Concept Manager
Int. Visual Merchandising Project Manager
Int. Visual Merchandising Manager
Visual Merchandising Coordinator
Freelancer & Free Agent
Visual Merchandiser
Interior Consultant
1. Interior Manager
Visual Store Design
Visual Design experience from:
Ecco Shoes
Change Lingerie
Pandora Jewellery
Villa Collection Interior
Jytte Demuth Interior
Magasin dü Nord
Visual Merchandising
Crate & Barrel
Magasin dü Nord
Mette is a visual, creative, structurered, passionated person, who at all times understands to include the commercial aspect. She manages both the straight and crooked as well as sense for detail. She is an asset to any management team within concept development, marketing, visual merchandising or graphic design; layout, illustrations, visual communication & visual line
visual merchandising, visual design & visual art
visionary strategy, concept development, project leading & team coaching
Ravnsborggade 21A 2th.
2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark
mbj@visualmerchandising.dk info@mettemade.com
Phone +45 20939295
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